torsdag 16 december 2010


Monster Project

I am doing charity work now in the winter in a lovely Fair Trade Shop. I will
write more about the actual shop in another post. I have donated baskets to the
shop and I make them there when the time allows. One of the lovely ladies running
"Algomas" as the shop is called, asked me to make a basket for her. A shoe basket,
that had to be big,with support and a lid. It´s been a nightmare for weeks to make
it the way she wanted it and I was giving up on the handle on the lid, when the
5 stripes just fell to the side like a flower and JOB DONE!!

tisdag 30 november 2010


The rug I was working on in my last post, is a t-shirt rug. One row one t-shirt. And
I found these chairs at the bins...Love the bins , and this idea is actually working.
Easy to change the colours depending on the mood you`re in and funny enough, as the rain is pouring down outside, I've change the yellow one for grey.Very symbolic...

söndag 28 november 2010

I am back!

It´s been a while and I have decided to write in English from now on. After a hectic
summer with lots of work, guests and sun I am back in the sofa crocheting away. We had
some Japanese friends visiting that I hadn´t met before, and there was for sure a language barrier. But we communicated in a common interest instead...

måndag 14 juni 2010

Busy Busy

Så är det snart sommarlov. 3 härliga månader med sovmorgon (not!) och
massor av tid till Simon (not!) och tid till att bara lata sig (not!).
Har ingen tid alls för nu är säsongen igång, så det blir lite sporadiskt
med bloggandet. Men ett och annat har jag hunnit knåpa ihop.

Hasta luego!

måndag 24 maj 2010